At Trinity, a lifelong love of learning begins with our youngest students. Here in our vibrant Early Childhood classrooms, we offer carefully structured programming through which our students are encouraged to not only learn, but to become confident in their own emerging abilities. Students are members of a broader school community as well, where they are safely exposed to a variety of multi-sensory activities that enhance their learning and help them grow spiritually, intellectually, physically, socially, and emotionally.
Our loving, highly qualified educators take a gentle, hands-on approach to teaching and providing a stimulating and safe learning environment. We also promote faith formation through fun and engaging Bible lessons designed around music, chapel visits, projects, and storytelling with puppets.
At the conclusion of Early Childhood, students are developing an understanding of Christian values, beginning to effectively communicate and socialize with their peers; building personal self-confidence through challenges; and acquiring the cognitive foundational skills to succeed as they move on to formalized school.
Curriculum Used in Preschool:
“One in Christ” religion curriculum published by Concordia Publishing House. This helps young children learn about Jesus and grow in understanding of God’s love. The materials include family letters with activity suggestions that connect with the theme they are learning in class.
The other curriculums used in preschool are designed by teachers with respect to to the individual students in their classrooms. All curriculum is based on the Illinois Early Learning and Development Standards.
Half Day
Our half day preschool program hours are 8:15 – 11:15 a.m. and parents have the option to choose from 2, 3 or 5 days a week. Students are placed into classes based on their age at the time they start and space availability.
Full Day
Our full day preschool program hours are 8:15 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. and parents have the option to choose from 2, 3, 4 or 5 days a week. Students are placed into classes based on their age at the time they start and space availability.
Ages 3-4 years
This program allows children to learn social/emotional, cognitive and spiritual skills through play. This program offers music class, gross motor & fine motor opportunities, and for those attending a full day: recess, library, and a daily rest time.
We offer small and large group times, themed activities including art, sensory, math and literacy. We have a daily Jesus Time and attend chapel once a week. We partner with an older classroom for reading buddies and enjoy being part of a larger school community.
Ages 4-5 years
The goal of this program is to create a warm and loving environment where children learn to enjoy school and learning while getting ready for kindergarten learning. We provide an atmosphere that fosters spiritual, mental, physical, and social growth. Children learn through hands-on experiences, projects and games. They will explore, discover, imagine, cooperate with others and learn social skills. There is an opportunity for structured and unstructured activities as well as teacher-guided activities. Each day is filled with theme based activities as well as introductions to reading and writing with our Letter People program, math, social studies, and science. We have gross motor time every day which is either outside or in the gym. Children hear and learn Bible stories from our Concordia Publishing House (CPH) curriculum. Students have opportunities to learn music and art and be introduced to using technology as an educational resource. For those attending full day, hot lunch programs are available to purchase online or children may bring a lunch from home. We also have an hour of rest time in the afternoon.
Highlights of Preschool at Trinity include:
- Field Trips
- "Guest" Speakers
- Classroom Parties
- Cooking Experiences
- Visits to the School Library every other week with a story time and book check out
- Music class with the School Music teacher twice a month
- Reading Buddies with older students
- Stay and Play (an opportunity for parents to play in the classroom and meet other parents)
- School Assemblies and Spirit Competitions for Full Day students
- Family Picnic
- Grandparents Day
- Walk-a-thon
- Field Day