By the time students reach 8th grade at Trinity, they have learned much about public speaking and presenting themselves in a respectful manner. They are the trend-setters and leaders of our family knit community. They take leadership roles in their extracurricular and community activities. Students are taught to think independently continually refining and practicing their study habits and learning behaviors necessary to succeed in high school and beyond.
Trinity graduates have a well-documented track record of thriving in both public and private high schools, in their post-secondary educations, and in their communities. While we attribute some of their success to the dedication of our talented teachers, we recognize that so much of that success is the result of your nurturing attention and loving commitment to your child. Trinity and its families are mutually reliant upon each other, and we are grateful to you for allowing us to share in the joy of sending forth extraordinary young men and women, year after year.
Highlights of Eighth grade
- Life Long Friendships
- Laptop to be used at school and at home
- Band Opportunities
- Competitive Sports Opportunities
- National Junior Honor Society
- Student Council
- Math Competition
- Science Fair
- High School Honors Geometry
- Advanced Placement in High School
- Middle School Dances
- Formal 8th Grade Banquet
- Washington D.C. Trip